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bk_star's Answers

2 answers


Apr 18, 2021

Is there a law that can protect people with a TBI and who are legally disabled?

A friend of mine has a TBI and I was just told by her that her apartment complex is making her pay her rent online. She is legally disabled and unable to do certain things online because it becomes overwhelming and she gets stressed out.

This is state of Texas if that helps.

Apr 18, 2021

Did anyone here get stuck in the same questions every day continuously for months at a time?

For instance my daughter has been asking how old she is, what grade is she in, where do we live, when’s her birthday and a few more? She can answer these questions correctly herself if I ask her to tell me when her bday is and so on but she keeps asking from the time she wakes up and until she goes to bed! She can engage in conversations but it is very child like at this time. Is there a possibility it could change?