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TherapeuticRecAllison's Answers

15 answers


Jul 15, 2021

What recreational activities are offered for someone with a severe TBI with very limited right side arm and leg use?

Jul 15, 2021

How can I learn and use meditation to help my brain to function and recover?

I am hearing impaired, legally blind, and suffered a mild/moderate TBI 3 years ago 3/21/18. I do use art and poetry as therapeutic hobbies. 

Jul 15, 2021

Is there a way I can help to enrich a survivor’s vocabulary in a fun way?

My friend had a bad accident a couple of years ago. I talk to her a few times a week, but she doesn't remember many words.

Jul 15, 2021

What is a good way to engage someone after severe TBI especially during Covid with less access to regular therapies?

I care for my mother who suffered a severe TBI in 2018 and is trying to take a rehabilitative approach to her care but she does have a very short attention span.

Jul 15, 2021

Where would I go to find recreational therapy programs?

Where do recreational therapists work? It would be great to hear about online or remote resources as well.

Jul 15, 2021

Are there outpatient recreational therapy programs?
