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brightway_health's Questions

119 questions


Edited Nov 5, 2021

As a therapist, are there ever times where you encourage patients to do some sort of alternative therapies?

Maybe the therapies that you're working on with someone aren't letting them heal as quickly as you would expect? I’ve heard of hyperbaric oxygen therapy or acupuncture, and some of these other things that people have tried. Based on what I've heard, the research isn't quite there for a lot of these. But for some of them, there are a lot of stories saying that they have helped people a lot.

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Oct 5, 2021

As a therapist, how would you handle taking over a case where a patient has worked with other therapists already?

It's hard to stay engaged with a new therapist because there may be some overlap, or they focus on something tangential to what the patient wants to work on.

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Oct 5, 2021

What are the most common social symptoms caused by brain injury?

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Sep 3, 2021

What can I do to help my son with apraxia?

He is seven and almost a year out from his severe TBI.  He can say mom, dad, and hi.  He tries so hard but it's not coming easily for him.

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Sep 3, 2021

How do I improve my memory, problem-solving, etc.?

It seems like I can't remember or retain information, especially when trying to remember, problem solve, train people, run a business, etc.

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