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KTbest2012's Answers

1 answer


Apr 12, 2021

Has anyone else experienced the terrible swearing?

After my injury, I started swearing profusely. It was like I had Tourette Syndrome, it was so crazy! Also, my injury has been misdiagnosed, so the disability insurance ordered an IME from a neuropsychiatrist to make a determination. After talking to me for 20 minutes, the neuropsychiatrist determined that I was faking my injury. He stated I was "malingering". Since I couldn't help myself, I swore like a truck driver throughout the short interview. His report stated that I was intelligent enough to have researched brain injury and I got this symptom wrong though. His report states that if I did truly experience this my brain injury would be considered "severe" instead of mild. I am not faking my brain injury - it's been nothing short of hell and I've lost everything I own. Who the hell wants to fake this?? So, my question is has anyone else experienced the terrible swearing? And, I've just had so many invisible symptoms and this is one that I haven't paid much attention to because it's so insignificant compared to other symptoms. Is there a name for this? And, what part of my brain was injured to make me swear?