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convoyyance's Answers

2 answers


May 5, 2021

Does anyone else experience severe short term memory problems?

I am a survivor of a TBI, almost 4 months have passed since my incident. It seems as if my memory was not bad when coming out of the hospital but as days go on its becoming worse and worse...quickly. If anyone else has experienced this and has found some way to control it/slow it down/exercise my memory to help please let me know...i think all of us can say that we have gotten fed up with atleast one side effect from our TBI...well i am with this, its affecting my entire life down to gettinh arrested a few nights ago without ANY recollection of what happened leading up to my arrest. Its hard to tell people you really dont remember......but i really do not remember!! Please what did you do without sounding like your losing it??


May 4, 2021

What are things you can do to encourage neuroplasticity?