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Have you been using Telehealth for appointments? If so, is there anything that makes it harder or easier?

I’m a caregiver since 2015 but also a therapist specializing in TBI and strokes (go figure!), and I’m always looking for things I can do to support my husband and also to teach my clients for how they or their loved ones can advocate in doc appointments. Insight, experience and your wisdom is always welcome!

This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


Certain appointments I will do telehealth, mainly because it's cheaper with the co-pay. Other times I prefer in person since we are trying to watch my weight and I have to do blood draws.


I prefer telehealth appointments whenever possible due to getting overstimulated so easily and forgetting most of what I would like to discuss if I go in person. It takes out the driving too which can be an issue on some days! It can eliminate a lot associated with a visit that most don't even consider.