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I'm really struggling on getting the motivation to walk again like I want to of course but I'm just too lazy and I hate it..

I had a stroke and a Tbi almost five years ago I just don't know if I should try anymore or just stay in a wheelchair idk life's just hard I need friends....

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Don’t label yourself as lazy. You need to give yourself space to take your time and set small, attainable goals then go for it. Once you feel successful, and stop judging yourself, you might be motivated to set bigger goals. Baby steps can be great! I spent the last 3 plus years learning to reset my way of thinking, my patience with myself and so much more. I was a former World Ranked Athlete that couldn’t walk straight, could barely move and had to deal with constantly changing health issues that were never on my radar prior to an accident. I had to stop thinking about what I used to be able to do and focus on a new set of priorities and a new way to enjoy life. I had to feel some degree of hope again.

Getting pain better managed, communication with my oldest daughter that involved letting her know I needed her to be more patient with me and so on.

You do what is best for you and makes you feel joy and happiness. It may be different from what you once wanted or expected. Allow yourself to enjoy the little things.. you may feel lazy, but I am guessing you are NOT lazy... a TBI affects so much and takes more out of people than they realize.


I was a physiotherapist before my TBI and found that most people want to get walking again but for some it is really hard and ends up being more functional for them to be mobile in a chair. Depends if it’s just motivation or actual physical issues. Could you discuss it with your therapist I sure they would help? Functionality is a key consideration.