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What is the best way to help heal the occipital lobes?

I lost part of my vision two months ago and they said it’s permanent.

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Senior physical therapist

Answer transcribed from Brightway's interview with Dr. Cristen Gordon (pt.2):


With healing the occipital lobes, that's one of those questions where you'd have to get with the neurologist to figure out what's damaged and what's not damaged. If they're saying that there is permanent nerve damage, the next steps on figuring out mobility and how to move on with life or figuring out the compensations if there is permanent nerve damage that the doctors don't feel is going to heal. Then, you can work with your therapists, both your physical and occupational therapists, on how to compensate to modify activities so that you can still do them and do everything that you want to do if there is some level of healthy nerve in that area. You may be able to work as far as neuroplasticity and again, get with a vision therapist, a physical therapist, or occupational therapists do vision training as well and see if there are exercises to improve the function.