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Does anyone understand how hard it is to get up in the morning and do anything when all I want to do is sleep and cry?

I’m tired of putting on an act for everyone else when I feel so bad/crappy inside! It’s exhausting for sure!

I don’t know how much longer I can do this!! If anyone has any ideas or advice, please let me know, thank you.

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Best thing I was told was 'just do the next thing'. I put my feet on the floor yay, I make coffee , yay, I sit for an hour with my coffee, yay, if I just do the next thing then its progress. I stopped thinking ahead and just did the now, the next thing.


Find reasons you like to get you going, from a breakfast you like to eat to an outfit you like to wear and one good thing a day- a place to go, a person to call or see, a book to read or tv to see.