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As a physical therapist, how do you provide a consistent patient experience over extended and intermittent treatment times?

I've been in physical therapy off and on for almost three years. My therapists are great but there has always been a learning curve when I go back.

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Physical Therapist

Answer transcribed from Brightway's interview with physical therapist Susan Little:

First of all, I'm glad if you found a good treatment team and would encourage you to be a consumer. Not all therapists are built alike and not all have the same skills, so if you found a team that is supporting you and helping you, that's a wonderful start. We know the reality that therapy will be funded in verse and spurts, but not consistently. The biggest thing I try to provide to my patients is a difficult but doable exercise program. When I hand them the exercises, I say “this is where you are right now, when this gets to be easy, move on to level two; when that gets easy, give me a call, and either it's time for you to come back into therapy because you've made sufficient gains, or I'll give you something over the phone to challenge that even more and won't make you come to my office”. Have that back and forth conversation with your therapist so that when you come back to see them, they know you've done your homework. They know that the exercises that they have given you are no longer challenging and they need to up the game. There's no hesitation in between there to do your homework and give the therapist an insight. Otherwise, we start from ground zero. But if we don't just start from ground zero, it will allow us to hit the ground running and up your exercises and activities so that you can keep moving forward.