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My son has a traumatic brain injury on his left side.

He cannot open his right hand and has very limited use of his arm. What would help and will it ever come back?

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Occupational Therapist

Unfortunately, I cannot tell you whether your son's hand or function will come back. I think that's really something that you need to talk to your neurologist about. I cannot be the one to tell you whether or not that's gonna happen. I don't know, but what's concerning is that he can't open his hand so I think really the important thing is skin integrity in the palm and the hand. Make sure his nails are cut- a lot of times when people can't open their hand, their nails are cutting in and they have redness and skin breakdown. They can start to smell so really thinking about reducing skin breakdown in the hand and working on some passive range of motion of the fingers. It will be resistive and you can't move the hand, but passively arrange the fingers in the hand and the wrist. Also, doing the arm too, but making sure just to limit to like 90 degrees just in case there's any kind of weakness in the shoulder. You don't want to impinge your shoulder doing overhead so you might want to also talk to your therapist. If you don't have therapy involved actually, maybe get an occupational therapist evaluation as it might be beneficial depending if you can actually passively move his hand. Maybe getting a splint at night time to actively passively move it by putting in a position where it could be protected and positioned so the fingers are extended. That could be made by occupational therapists. Also it's important to just try to incorporate movement of the arm as much as possible. Think about if I know the hand is closed but maybe if you can open it passively like if you need to open containers or anything. Actually put a container in the arm or the hand and then try to open it actively, try to move and incorporate it in dressing to try to engage the arm and not use it all if possible. I think something else that might be beneficial is mental practice, which is rehearsing an activity in your head before trying it or before doing an action. Research has shown that it's beneficial for motor recovery. Just kind of thinking about an action and kind of thinking about your arm moving and trying to think about maybe brushing hair before actually trying to incorporate the arm and movement.