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What types of education do you do with patients and families beyond what's safe and what's unsafe?

Is it also things that they can do at home or what they should be doing on a regular basis?

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Medical Professional

Answer transcribed from Brightway's interview with recreational therapist Allison Huck:


Personally, I put together a beautiful folder for people when they go home. Being the control freak that I am, I never give it to them until they're ready to go. However, I do collect things throughout their stay such as things that we've done. Sometimes I might make a list of good activities to work on based on the specific goals that they have. I always put a list of contraindicated activities in there and a lot of resources in the community. These are things that we offer and things that other places offer support groups, both for survivors but also for caregivers, which is really important. Sometimes survivors aren't necessarily ready for that, and caregivers might need that so I put all that together in a folder. I put my contact information and typically go over little bite-sized pieces throughout somebody's inpatient stay with them. Knowing that memory is often something people have difficulty with, I have everything in reform. I give it to them in a folder on the day of discharge. I've gone over it with family, typically in person but nowadays via zoom, facetime, or even phone calls. I try to send things electronically so they have as many different avenues to get to those resources as possible when they leave.