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In YOUR reality with YOUR income and taking into basic living expenses what would YOU be able to afford realistically?

I am not saying that what our realities are would ever be accepted as a rent payment, but what is your realistic number? If its $0 then that is a realistic number that I would like to be able to take into consideration.


Income $2000

Basic necessities $800

Affordable rent $700 - $1000

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I work in housing. In reality, your rent/mortgage should be no more than 30% of your monthly gross income.

However, due to the market currently, most people pay closer to 50% of their gross monthly income and struggle to maintain any kind of savings (even for emergencies). I would pay no more than $500 for an 800 sq ft 1-bd space.

I could not live on my own with what I get from ss and ssi. I get $600/month